A Guide to Editions and Translations of the Principal Works Discovered at Herculaneum and Related Texts
Epicurean Philosophers | On Epicurus and Epicureans | On Other Schools | Music, Rhetoric, Poetics | Ethical Works | Theology, Religion, and Myth | Logic and Science | Epicurean Philology and Textual Criticism | Philodemus, Epigrams | The Latin Books | Illustrations | Handbooks, Surveys | Dictionaries, Grammars | Indexes to the Papyri | Greek and Latin Authors Cited in the Papyri | Bibliographies | Internet Resources
CErc = Cronache Ercolanesi
P.Herc. = Herculaneum papyrus
ZPE = Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik
Epicurean Philosophers
- Epicurus
G. Arrighetti, Epicuro. Opere, 2nd ed. (Turin, 1973), with Ital. trans.
Letters: A. Angeli, “Frammenti di lettere di Epicuro nei papiri d’Ercolano,” CErc 23 (1993): 11–27, with Ital. trans.
On Nature (De natura, Περὶ φύσεως)
Edition and Italian translation in G. Arrighetti, above.
D. Sedley, Lucretius and the Transformation of Greek Wisdom (Cambridge, 1998), 94–133 for the plan of organization and relation to Lucretius. New editions of individual books:
a.) Book 11 (P.Herc. 1042): 26.19–21 Arr.: G. Arrighetti and M. Gigante, “Frammenti del libro undicesimo Della natura di Epicuro (PHerc. 1042),” CErc 7 (1977): 5–8; 26.37.1–41.21 Arr.: D. Sedley, CErc 6 (1976): 31–42, with Engl. trans.
b.) Book 14 (P.Herc. 1148): G. Leone, “Epicuro, Della natura, libro XIV,” CErc 14 (1984): 17–107, with Ital. trans.; ead., “La chiusa del XIV libro ‘Della natura’ di Epicuro,” CErc 17 (1987): 49–76
c.) Book 15 (P.Herc. 1151): C. Millot, “Epicure, De la nature, livre XV,” CErc 7 (1977): 9–39, with French trans.
d.) Book 25 (P.Herc. 419, 1634, 1420, 697, 1056, 1191): S. Laursen, “The Early Parts of Epicurus, On Nature, 25th Book,” CErc 25 (1995): 5–109, with Engl. trans.; id., “The Later Parts of Epicurus, On Nature, 25th Book,” CErc 27 (1997): 5–82, with Engl. trans.
e.) Book 28 (P.Herc. 1479/1417): D. Sedley, “Epicurus, On Nature Book XXVIII,” CErc 3 (1973): 5–83, with Engl. trans.
f.) Book 34 (P.Herc. 1431): G. Leone, “Epicuro, Della natura, libro XXXIV (PHerc. 1431),” CErc 32 (2002): 7–135, with Ital. trans.
g.) Liber incertus (P.Herc. 1413): R. Cantarella and G. Arrighetti, “Il libro ‘Sul tempo’ (PHerc. 1413) dell’opera di Epicuro ‘Sulla natura’,” CErc 2 (1972): 5–46, with Ital. trans.
- Colotes
Against Plato’s “Euthydemus” (Πρὸς τὸν Πλάτωνος Εὐθύδημον, P.Herc. 1032) and Against Plato’s “Lysis” (Πρὸς τὸν Πλάτωνος Λύσιν, P.Herc. 208)
W. Crönert, Kolotes und Menedemos (Leipzig, 1906): 162–72. See also A. Concolino Mancini, “Sulle opere polemiche di Colote,” CErc 6 (1976): 61–7.
E. Kechagia, A study of Plutarch's anti-Epicurean argumentation in the Adversus Colotem (Diss. Oxford, 2005).
- Hermarchus: Fragments
F. Longo Auricchio, Ermarco. Frammenti, La Scuola di Epicuro 6 (Naples, 1988), with Ital. trans.; H. Essler, "Un nuovo frammento di Ermarco nel PHerc. 152/157 (Filodemo, De dis, libro III)," CErc 35 (2005): 53–59
- Idomeneus: Fragments
A. Angeli, “I frammenti di Idomeneo di Lampsaco,” CErc 11 (1981): 41–101, with Ital. trans.
- Metrodorus: Fragments
A. Körte, “Metrodori Epicurei fragmenta,” Jahrbücher für Classische Philologie Suppl. 17 (1890): 531–97
- Polyaenus: Fragments
A. Tepedino Guerra, Polieno. Frammenti, La Scuola di Epicuro 11 (Naples, 1991), with Ital. trans.
- Carneiscus: Philistas Book 2 (P.Herc. 1027)
M. Capasso, Carneisco. Il secondo libro del Filista, La Scuola di Epicuro 10 (Naples, 1988), with Ital. trans.
- Demetrius of Laconia: Testimonia
M. Gigante, “Testimonianze su Demetrio Lacone,” in E. Puglia, Demetrio Lacone. Aporie testuali ed esegetiche in Epicuro, La Scuola di Epicuro 8 (Naples, 1988): 11–23, with Ital. trans.
- Zeno of Sidon: Fragments
A. Angeli and M. Colaizzo, “I frammenti di Zenone Sidonio,” CErc 9 (1979): 47–133, with Ital. trans.; K. Kleve and G. Del Mastro, “Il PHerc. 1533: Zenone Sidonio A Cratero”, CErc 30 (2000): 149–56
- Phaedrus: Testimonia
A. E. Raubitschek, “Phaidros and his Roman Pupils,” Hesperia 18 (1949): 96–103 = id., The School of Hellas (New York and Oxford, 1991), 337–44
- Philodemus: Testimonia, Titles, and Selections
Testimonia: D. Sider, The Epigrams of Philodemos (New York and Oxford, 1997): 227–34, with Engl. trans.
Book-titles: Catalogo dei papiri ercolanesi, sotto la direzione di M. Gigante (Naples, 1979): 45–55; D. Delattre, “Les mentions de titres d’œuvres dans les livres de Philodème,” CErc 26 (1996): 143–68, with French trans.
Selections from prose works: M. Capasso, Margini ercolanesi: scelta di testi e documenti ercolanesi, Syngrammata 1 (Naples, 1991), with Ital. trans. (also includes Herculaneum texts by other authors).
- Siro: Fragments
M. Gigante, “I frammenti di Sirone,” Paideia 45 (1990): 175–98, with Ital. trans.; see also D. Sider, The Epigrams of Philodemos (New York and Oxford, 1997): 15–16, 227
- Diogenes of Oenoanda: The Philosophical Inscription
M. F. Smith, Diogenes of Oinoanda. The Epicurean Inscription, La Scuola di Epicuro, Supplemento 1 (Naples, 1993), with Engl. trans.; id., Supplement to Diogenes of Oinoanda The Epicurean Inscription, La Scuola di Epicuro, Supplemento 3 (Naples, 2003), with Engl. trans.
On Epicurus and Epicureans
- On Epicurus (De Epicuro, Περὶ Ἐπικούρου, P.Herc. 176)
A. Vogliano, Epicuri et Epicureorum scripta in Herculanensibus papyris servata (Berlin, 1928): 23–55
Partially revised by A. Angeli, “La scuola epicurea di Lampsaco nel PHerc. 176 (fr. 5 coll. I, IV, VIII–XXIII),” CErc 18 (1988): 27–51, with Ital. trans.
- Philodemus, Against the ... (Πρὸς τοὺς [ – ], P.Herc. 1005)
A. Angeli, Filodemo. Agli amici di scuola, La Scuola di Epicuro 7 (Naples, 1988), with Ital. trans.
- Philodemus, Memoirs (Tractatus, Πραγματεῖαι μνημάτων, P.Herc. 1418/310)
C. Militello, Filodemo. Memorie epicuree, La Scuola di Epicuro 16 (Naples, 1997), with Ital. trans.
- Life of Philonides (Vita Philonidis, Βίος Φιλωνίδου, P.Herc. 1044)
I. Gallo, Studi di papirologia ercolanese, Storie e testi 13 (Naples, 2002): 59–205, with Ital. trans.
C. Habicht, "Zur Vita des Epikureers Philonides (P Herc 1044)," ZPE 74 (1984): 211–4
D. Gera, "Philonides the Epicurean at Court: Early Connections," ZPE 125 (1999): 77–83
On Other Schools
- Philodemus, History of Philosophy (Σύνταξις τῶν φιλοσόφων)
a.) History of the Academy (Index Academicorum, P.Herc. 1021 and 164)
T. Dorandi, Filodemo. Storia dei Filosofi [.]. Platone e l’Academia, La Scuola di Epicuro 12 (Naples, 1991), with Ital. trans. See also W. Burkert, Platon in Nahaufnahme: Ein Buch aus Herculaneum, Lectio Teubneriana 2 (Stuttgart and Leipzig, 1993).
b.) History of the Stoics (Index Stoicorum, P.Herc. 1018)
T. Dorandi, Filodemo. Storia dei filosofi. La Stoà da Zenone a Panezio, Philosophia Antiqua 60 (Leiden, 1994), with Ital. trans.; corrections: id., “Corrigenda Stoica,” ZPE 101 (1994): 24 + ZPE 102 (1994): 262; M. Gigante, Gnomon 72 (2000): 294–301.
c.) History of the Eleatics and Atomists, History of the Pythagoreans
M.C. Cavalieri, "La Rassegna dei Filosofi di Filodemo: scuola eleatica ed abderita (PHerc. 327) e scuola pitagorica (PHerc. 1508)?," P.Lup. 11 (2002): 17–53
d.) History of the Socratics
F. M. Giuliano, "Filodemo, Storia di Socrate e della sua scuola? (PHerc. 495 e 558)," CErc 31 (2001): 37–79
- Philodemus, On the Stoics (De Stoicis, Περὶ τῶν Στωικῶν, P.Herc. 339 and 155)
T. Dorandi, “Filodemo. Gli Stoici (PHerc. 155 e 339),” CErc 12 (1982): 91–133, with Ital. trans.
Music, Rhetoric, Poetics
- Philodemus, On Music (De musica, Περὶ μουσικῆς)
I. Kemke, Philodemi De musica librorum quae exstant (Leipzig, 1884)
Book 4 (P.Herc. 1497 +): A. J. Neubecker, Philodemus. Über die Musik IV. Buch, La Scuola di Epicuro 4 (Naples, 1986), with German trans.; D. Delattre, “Philodème, De la Musique: livre IV, colonnes 40* à 109*,” CErc 19 (1989): 49–143, with French trans.; remainder in G. M. Rispoli, “Il primo libro del Περὶ μουσικῆς di Filodemo,” in F. Sbordone, ed., Ricerche sui Papiri Ercolanesi 1 (Naples, 1969): 25–286, with Ital. trans. New edition of the whole: D. Delattre, Philodème de Gadara, Commentaires sur la musique, livre IV (Paris, forthcoming), with French trans.
- Philodemus, On Rhetoric (De rhetorica, Περὶ ῥητορικῆς)
S. Sudhaus, Philodemi volumina rhetorica, 2 vols. + supplement (Leipzig, 1892–6)
Partial Engl. trans. and paraphrase of Sudhaus’ edition in H. M. Hubbell, “The Rhetorica of Philodemus,” Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences 23 (1920): 243–382 (following Sudhaus’ pagination and book numbers). Extracts from Hubbell’s translation (all of Book 1 and a section of Sudhaus’ Book 5 = Longo’s Book 10) are printed in T. W. Benson and M. H. Prosser, eds., Readings in Classical Rhetoric (Bloomington, Indiana, 1972): 76–90.
Sudhaus’ view of the structure of the work and the order of the books has been revised by T. Dorandi, “Per una ricomposizione dello scritto di Filodemo sulla Retorica,” ZPE 82 (1990): 59–87, and more recently by F. Longo Auricchio, “Nuovi elementi per la ricostruzione della Retorica di Filodemo,” CErc 26 (1996): 169–71 = “New Elements for the Reconstruction of Philodemus’ Rhetorica,” in Akten des 21. internationalen Papyrologenkongresses, vol. 2 (Stuttgart and Leipzig, 1997), 631–5. Large sections of Sudhaus’ edition have been superseded by more accurate editions, as follows:
a–b.) Books 1–2: F. Longo Auricchio, Φιλοδήμου Περὶ ῥητορικῆς libros primum et secundum ed. F. L. A., Ricerche sui Papiri Ercolanesi a cura di F. Sbordone 3 (Naples, 1977), with Ital. trans. (reedits Sudhaus, 1:1–146), and Sudhaus, 2:180–87, 189–90, with the corrections of J. Hammerstaedt, CErc 22 (1992): 117. Engl. trans. in C. Chandler, Philodemus On Rhetoric Books 1 and 2: Translation and Exegetical Essays (London, 2006). Partial Engl. trans. in Hubbell, 265–93.
c.) Book 3 = Sudhaus’ “Hypomnematicon” (P.Herc. 1426; first draft: P.Herc. 1506): first half of book, Sudhaus, 2:196–239; second half, J. Hammerstaedt, “Der Schlußteil von Philodems drittem Buch über Rhetorik,” CErc 22 (1992): 9–117 (reedits Sudhaus, 2:239–72), with German trans. Partial Engl. trans. in Hubbell, 346–64.
d.) Book 4 (P.Herc. 1423, 1007/1673): Sudhaus, 1:147–225. Partial Engl. trans. in Hubbell, 293–305.
e.) Book 8 (Longo) = Dorandi’s book 5 = Sudhaus’ book 6 (P.Herc. 1015/832): Sudhaus, 1:270–325, and 2:1–64. Partial Engl. trans. in Hubbell, 318–32.
f.) Book 9 (Longo) = Dorandi’s book 6 = Sudhaus’ book 7 (P.Herc. 1004): Sudhaus, 1:325–85, with the corrections of M. G. Cappelluzzo, “Per una nuova edizione di un libro della Retorica filodemea (PHerc. 1004),” CErc 6 (1976): 69–76. Partial Engl. trans. in Hubbell, 332–41.
g.) Book 10 (Longo) = Dorandi’s book 7 = Sudhaus’ book 5 (P.Herc. 1669): Sudhaus, 1:225–70; M. Ferrario, “Frammenti del V libro della ‘Retorica’ di Filodemo (PHerc. 1669),” CErc 10 (1980): 55–124 (reedits Sudhaus, 1:225–8, adding further fragments), with Ital. trans. Partial Engl. trans. in Hubbell, 305–18.
- Philodemus, On Poems (De poematis, Περὶ ποιημάτων)
a.) Book 1: R. Janko, Philodemus On Poems Book 1, Philodemus: The Aesthetic Works I/1 (Oxford, 2000; reprinted with addenda, 2003), with Engl. trans. (for organization of the whole work, see his Table 2.1, pp. 12–13).
b.) Book 2 (P.Herc. 1074b, 1677a, 1081b, 1676, 994): F. Sbordone, “Φιλοδήμου Περὶ ποιημάτων Tractatus tres,” in Ricerche sui Papiri ercolanesi 2 (Naples, 1976), with Ital. trans. (Trattati A, C) + C. Romeo, “Il PHerc. 1677: Un libro della Poetica di Filodemo,” Proceedings of the XIXth International Congress of Papyrology (Cairo, 1992): 173–8.
c.) Book 3 (P.Herc. 1087, 1403): T. Dorandi, “Precisazioni su papiri della Poetica di Filodemo,” ZPE 97 (1993): 81–6 + L. Spina, “Un papiro inedito della collezione ercolanese: PHerc. 1403,” Vichiana 17 (1988): 99–108 = Proceedings of the XVIII International Congress of Papyrology (Athens, 1998): i.299–307
d.) Book 4 (P.Herc. 207): R. Janko, “Philodemus’ On Poems and Aristotle’s On Poets,” CErc 21 (1991): 5–64, with Engl. trans.
e.) Book 5: C. Mangoni, Filodemo. Il quinto libro della poetica (PHerc. 1425 e 1538), La Scuola di Epicuro 14 (Naples, 1993), with Ital. trans.; Engl. trans. by D. Armstrong in D. Obbink, ed., Philodemus and Poetry: Poetic Theory and Practice in Lucretius, Philodemus, and Horace (New York and Oxford, 1995): 255–69. Fragments: M. L. Nardelli, “La catarsi poetica nel PHerc. 1581,” CErc 8 (1978): 96–103, with Ital. trans.; Engl. trans. with notes in R. Janko, Aristotle. Poetics I (Indianapolis, 1987): 61, 187–90; F. Sbordone, “Ancora un papiro ercolanese della Poetica di Filodemo: N. 403,” in Studi filologici e storici in onore di Vittorio De Falco (Naples, 1971): 343–52 = id., Sui papiri della Poetica di Filodemo (Naples, 1983): 251–62; C. Mangoni, “Il PHerc. 407 della Poetica di Filodemo,” CErc 22 (1992): 131–7, with Ital. trans.; ead., “Il PHerc. 228,” CErc 19 (1989): 179–86, with Ital. trans. (Engl. trans. in Armstrong, as above, 269)
- Philodemus, On the Good King according to Homer (De bono rege secundum Homerum, Περὶ τοῦ καθ’ Ὅμηρον ἀγαθοῦ βασιλέως, P.Herc. 1507)
T. Dorandi, Filodemo. Il buon re secondo Omero, La Scuola di Epicuro 3 (Naples, 1982), with Ital. trans.; Engl. trans. in E. Asmis, “Philodemus’ Poetic Theory and On the Good King according to Homer,” CA 10 (1991): 1–45. But for cols. 21–31 see now J. Fish, “Philodemus’ On the Good King According to Homer: Columns 21–31”, CErc 32 (2002): 187–232, with Engl. trans.; for cols. 32–9, J. B. Fish, “Philodemus, De bono rege secundum Homerum: A Critical Text with Commentary (cols. 21–39),” Ph.D. diss. University of Texas at Austin (Austin, Texas, 1999), with Engl. trans.
- Demetrius of Laconia, On Poems (De poematis, Περὶ ποιημάτων, P.Herc. 188 and 1014)
C. Romeo, Demetrio Lacone. Sulla poesia, La Scuola di Epicuro 9 (Naples, 1988), with Ital. trans.
Ethical Works
- Philodemus, On Characters and Types of Life (Περὶ ἠθῶν καὶ βίων)
a.) On Conversation (De conversatione, Περὶ ὁμιλίας, P.Herc. 873)
F. Amoroso, “Filodemo sulla conversazione,” CErc 5 (1975): 63–76, with Ital. trans.
b.) On Freedom of Speech (De libertate dicendi, Περὶ παρρησίας, P.Herc. 1471)
A. Olivieri, Philodemi περὶ παρρησίας libellus (Leipzig, 1914); text reprinted with corrections in D. Konstan, D. Clay, C. E. Glad, J. C. Thom, and J. Ware, Philodemus on Frank Criticism: Introduction, Translation, and Notes (Albany, New York, 1998), with Engl. trans.
c.) On Gratitude (De gratia, Περὶ χάριτος, P.Herc. 1414)
A. Tepedino Guerra, “Filodemo sulla gratitudine,” CErc 7 (1977): 96–113
d.) On Wealth (De divitiis, Περὶ πλούτου, P.Herc. 163)
A. Tepedino Guerra, “Il primo libro ‘Sulla ricchezza’ di Filodemo,” CErc 8 (1978): 52–95, with Ital. trans.
- Philodemus, On Vices and their Corresponding Virtues and the People in whom they occur and the Situations in which they are found (De vitiis, Περὶ κακιῶν καὶ τῶν ἀντικειμένων ἀρετῶν καὶ τῶν ἐν οἷς εἰσι καὶ περὶ ἅ)
a.) Book 1: On Flattery (De adulatione, Περὶ κολακείας, P.Herc. 222)
T. Gargiulo, “PHerc. 222: Filodemo sull’adulazione,” CErc 11 (1981): 103–27, with Ital. trans.
b.) Book 9: On Household Management (De oeconomia, Περὶ οἰκονομίας, P.Herc. 1424)
C. Jensen, Philodemi περὶ οἰκονομίας qui dicitur libellus (Leipzig, 1907); Ital. trans. in R. Laurenti, Filodemo e il pensiero economico degli Epicurei (Milan, 1973).
c.) Book 10: On Arrogance (De superbia, Περὶ ὑπερηφανίας, P.Herc. 1008)
C. Jensen, Philodemi περὶ κακιῶν liber decimus (Leipzig, 1911); Ital. trans. in G. Ranocchia, “Aristone di Ceo o Aristone di Chio? Studio sull’autore del Περὶ τοῦ κουφίζειν ὑπερηφανίας all luce di PHerc. 1008,” Tese di Laurea in Lettere, Università degli studi di Perugia (Perugia, 1997/1998); new ed. of cols. 10 and 21–3 in G. Ranocchia, “Filodemo e il Περὶ τοῦ κουφίζειν ὑπερηφανίας. Contributo ad una nuova edizione del PHerc 1008,” Papyrologica Lupiensia 10 (2001): 231–63, with Ital. trans.
d.) Liber incertus: On Greed (De avaritia, Περὶ φιλαργυρίας, P.Herc. 253, 465, 1613, 1090)
T. Dorandi and E. Spinelli, “Un libro di Filodemo sull’avarizia?,” CErc 20 (1990): 53–9
- Philodemus, On Anger (De ira, Περὶ ὀργῆς, P.Herc. 182)
G. Indelli, Filodemo. L’ira, La Scuola di Epicuro 5 (Naples, 1988), with Ital. trans.
- Philodemus, On Envy (De malevolentia, Περὶ ἐπιχαιρεκακίας, P.Herc. 1678)
A. Tepedino Guerra, “Il PHerc. 1678: Filodemo sull’invidia?,” CErc 15 (1985): 113–25, with Ital. trans.
- Philodemus, On Death (De morte, Περὶ θανάτου, P.Herc. 1050)
T. Kuiper, Philodemus Over den Dood (Amsterdam, 1925), with Dutch trans.; Ital. trans. in R. Sammartano, Filodemo di Gadara, I frammenti del IV libro dell’opera “Sulla Morte” (Rome, 1970); revision of cols. 1–9 and 37–9 by M. Gigante in Ricerche Filodemee, 2nd ed. (Naples, 1983): 115–234, with Ital. trans.; selections in D. Armstrong, “All things to all men: Philodemus’ model of therapy and the audience of De Morte,” in J. T. Fitzgerald, D. Obbink, and G. S. Holland, eds., Philodemus and the New Testament World, Novum Testamentum Suppl. 111 (Leiden, 2004): 15–54, with Engl. trans.
- The Ethical Treatise edited by Comparetti (P.Herc. 1251)
G. Indelli and V. Tsouna-McKirahan, [Philodemus]. [On Choices and Avoidances], La Scuola di Epicuro 15 (Naples, 1995), with Engl. trans.
- The Protreptic Treatise (P.Herc. 346)
M. Capasso, Trattato etico epicureo (Naples, 1982), with Ital. trans.
Theology, Religion, and Myth
- Philodemus, On Gods (De dis, Περὶ θεῶν)
a.) Book 1 (P.Herc. 26)
H. Diels, Philodemos Über die Götter. Erstes Buch, Abhandlungen der Königlich Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Jahrgang 1915, Philosophisch-historische Klasse, 7 (Berlin, 1916), with partial German trans.
b.) Book 3 (P.Herc. 157/152)
H. Diels, Philodemos Über die Götter. Drittes Buch, Abhandlungen der Königlich Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Jahrgang 1916, Philosophisch-historische Klasse, 4 and 6 (Berlin, 1917), with partial German trans.; H. Essler, "Un nuovo frammento di Ermarco nel PHerc. 152/157 (Filodemo, De dis, libro III)," CErc 35 (2005): 53–59
- On Piety (De pietate, Περὶ εὐσεβείας)
D. Obbink, Philodemus On Piety 1–2: Critical Edition with Commentary, 2 vols. (Oxford, 1996–), with Engl. trans.
- Demetrius of Laconia, On the Form of God (De forma dei, Περὶ τοῦ θεοῦ μορφῆς, P.Herc. 1055)
M. Santoro, [Demetrio Lacone]. [La forma del dio], La Scuola di Epicuro 17 (Naples, 2000), with Ital. trans.
Logic and Science
- Chrysippus, Investigations in Logic (Λογικὰ ζητήματα, P.Herc. 307)
L. Marrone, “Le Questioni logiche di Crisippo (PHerc. 307),” CErc 27 (1997): 83–100, with Ital. trans.
G. Del Mastro, "Il PHerc. 1380: Crisippo, Opera logica," CErc 35 (2005): 61–70
- Zeno of Sidon, Against Craterus’ Refutation of ‘On Demonstrations of Geometry’ (Πρὸς τὸ Κρατέρου πρὸς τὸ Περὶ τῶν γεωμετρικῶν ἀποδείξεων, P.Herc. 1533)
K. Kleve and G. Del Mastro, “Il PHerc. 1533: Zenone Sidonio A Cratero”, CErc 30 (2000): 149–56.
- Polystratus, On Irrational Contempt for Popular Opinion (De contemptu, Περὶ ἀλόγου καταφρονήσεως, P.Herc. 336/1150)
G. Indelli, Polistrato. Sul disprezzo irrazionale delle opinioni popolari, La Scuola di Epicuro 2 (Naples, 1978), with Ital. trans.
- Philodemus, On Sensations (De sensibus, Περὶ αἰσθήσεως, P.Herc. 19/698)
A. Monet, “[Philodème, Sur les sensations], PHerc. 19/698,” CErc 26 (1996): 27–126, with French trans.
- Philodemus, On Signs (De signis, Περὶ σημείων καὶ σημειώσεων, P.Herc. 1065)
P. H. De Lacy and E. A. De Lacy, Philodemus. On Methods of Inference, La Scuola di Epicuro 1 (Naples, 1978), with Engl. trans.
Epicurean Philology and Textual Criticism
- Demetrius of Laconia (opus incertum, P.Herc. 1012)
E. Puglia, Demetrio Lacone. Aporie testuali ed esegetiche in Epicuro, La Scuola di Epicuro 8 (Naples, 1988), with Ital. trans.
See also M. Ferrario, “La nascita della filologia epicurea: Demetrio Lacone e Filodemo,” CErc 30 (2000): 53–61.
Philodemus, Epigrams
A. S. F. Gow and D. L. Page, The Greek Anthology: The Garland of Philip (Cambridge, 1968): 1:350–69, 2:371–400, with Engl. trans.
M. Gigante, Filodemo: Epigrammi scelti, 2nd ed. (Naples, 1988), with Ital. trans.; id., Il Libro degli Epigrammi di Filodemo (Naples, 2002), with Ital. trans.
D. Sider, The Epigrams of Philodemos (New York and Oxford, 1997), with Engl. trans.
P. J. Parsons in The Oxyrhynchus Papyri, vol. 54 (London, 1987), no. 3724, pp. 65–82, a list of opening words (‘incipits’ or titles) of Greek epigrams; the majority are by Philodemus, English translation in Sider, above.
The Latin Books
- Ennius, Annales 6 (P.Herc. 21)
K. Kleve, “Ennius in Herculaneum,” CErc 20 (1990): 5–16; id., “Phoenix from the Ashes : Lucretius and Ennius in Herculaneum,” in Ø. Andersen and H. Whittaker, eds., The Norwegian Institute at Athens: the First Five Lectures (Athens, 1991): 57–64; W. Suerbaum, “Der Pyrrhos-Krieg in Ennius’ Annales VI im Lichte der ersten Ennius-Papyri aus Herculaneum,” ZPE 106 (1995): 31–52
- Caecilius Statius, Obolostates sive Faenerator (The Money-Lender, P.Herc. 78)
K. Kleve, “How to Read an Illegible Papyrus. Towards an Edition of PHerc. 78, Caecilius Statius, Obolostates sive Faenerator,” CErc 26 (1996): 5–14; id., “Caecilius Statius, The Money-Lender (PHerc. 78),” in Atti del XXII Congresso Internazionale di Papirologia, vol. 2 (Florence, 2001): 725.
- Lucretius, De rerum natura (On the Nature of Things, P.Herc. 395)
K. Kleve, “Lucretius in Herculaneum,” CErc 19 (1989): 5–27; W. Suerbaum, “Herculanensische Lukrez-Papyri,” ZPE 104 (1994): 1–21, with the corrections of R. Nünlist, “Zu den Lukrez-Buchrollen aus Herculaneum,” ZPE 116 (1997): 19–20; M. Capasso, “Filodemo e Lucrezio: due intellettuali nel patriai tempus iniquum,” in A. Monet, ed., Le jardin romain: ... mélanges offerts à Mayotte Bollack (Lille, 2003): 77–107 (against the identification), with the response of D. Delattre, “Présence ou absence d’une copie du De rerum natura à Herculanum?,” ibid. 109–16.
- Carmen de bello Actiaco (Poem on the Battle of Actium, P.Herc. 817)
G. Garuti, C. Rabirius, Bellum Actiacum e papyro Herculanensi 817 (Bologna, 1958). Selections with notes: E. Courtney, The Fragmentary Latin Poets (Oxford, 1993): 334–40, with addenda in the 2nd ed. (Oxford, 2003): 523.
C. Basile, I papiri carbonizzati di Ercolano (Syracuse, 1994): illustrates the book-rolls before unrolling.
G. Cavallo, Libri scritture scribi a Ercolano: Introduzione allo studio dei materiali greci, Primo suppl. a CErc 13 (Naples, 1983): illustrates the writing-styles.
E. Puglia, La cura del libro nel mondo antico: Guasti e restauri del rotolo di papiri (Naples, 1997): illustrates restoration of damaged book-rolls.
E. G. Turner, Greek Manuscripts of the Ancient World, 2nd ed. rev. P. J. Parsons, Institute of Classical Studies, University of London, Bulletin Suppl. 46 (London, 1987), no. 78, pp. 134–5 (plate of P.Herc. 1676 cols. 16–18, Philodemus, On Poems 2).
P. Radiciotti, "Osservazioni paleografiche sui papiri latini di Ercolano", S&C 22 (1998): 353–370
Handbooks, Surveys
M. Capasso, Manuale di papirologia ercolanese (Lecce, 1991)
M. Gigante, Philodemus in Italy: the Books from Herculaneum, trans. D. Obbink (Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1995; revised pbk. ed. 2002)
D. Sider, The Library of the Villa dei Papiri at Herculaneum (Los Angeles, 2005)
D. Delattre, La Villa des Papyrus et les rouleaux d’Herculanum: La Bibliothèque de Philodème, Cahiers du CEDOPAL 4 (Liège, 2006)
Dictionaries, Grammars
C.J. Vooys, Lexicon Philodemeum, Pars Prior (Purmerend, 1934), Pars Altera (with D.A. van Krevelen) (Amsterdam, 1941)
M. Gigante and W. Schmid (eds.), H. Usener, Glossarium Epicureum (Rome, 1977)
W. Crönert, Memoria graeca Herculanensis (Leipzig, 1903)
A. Glatzel, De optativi apud Philodemum, Strabonem, Pseudo-Longinum usu (Trzebnica, 1913)
R. Schächter, "De verborum delectu atque compositione quae Philodemus tradidisse videtur," Eos 25 (1921–2): 87–90
G. Strathmann, De hiatus fuga, quam invenimus apud Philodemum Epicureum, Jahres-Bericht Real-Progymnasium der Stadt Viersen 1892
Indexes to the Papyri
Index of proper names: C.J. Vooijs, D.A. van Krevelen, Lexicon Philodemeum, Pars Altera (Amsterdam, 1941): 147–171
Index of the philosophers cited in the papyri: T. Dorandi, "Testimonia Herculanensia," Corpus dei Papiri Filosofici Greci e Latini (Florence, 1989): 1*.3–78
Athenian archons cited in the papyri: T. Dorandi, "Testimonianze sugli arconti nei papiri ercolanesi," CErc 10 (1980): 153–174; T. Dorandi, "Gli arconti nei papiri ercolanesi," ZPE 84 (1990): 121–138
Greek and Latin Authors Cited in the Papyri
Greek Authors
A | B | C | D | E | H | I | L | M | N | P | S | T | X
For philosophers mentioned in the papyri, see also the index by Dorandi under Indexes to the Papyri.
G. Indelli, "Accessioni filodemee al bios di Eschine," Proceedings of the XIXth International Congress of Papyrology (Cairo, 1992): i.203–212
- Aeschylus
F. Amarante, "Eschilo nei Papiri Ercolanesi," CErc 28 (1998): 133–150
- Alcaeus
C. Romeo, "Demetrio Lacone interprete di Alceo," CErc 12 (1982): 35–42
- Anacreon
G. Massimilla, "Poeti lirici nei papiri ercolanesi di Filodemo," Proceedings of the XIXth International Congress of Papyrology (Cairo, 1992): 251–259
- Anaximenes of Lampsacus
S. Ciampa, "I poeti ellenistici nei papiri ercolanesi di Filodemo," CErc 36 (2006): 100–2
- Antimachus of Colophon
S. Ciampa, "I poeti ellenistici nei papiri ercolanesi di Filodemo," CErc 36 (2006): 88–93
- Antisthenes
M. Gigante, Cinismo e epicureismo (Naples, 1992): 58–60
- Apollodorus of Athens
A. Henrichs, "Philodems «De Pietate» als mythographische Quelle," CErc 5 (1975): 5–38
- Archilochus
M. Gigante, "Filodemo e Archiloco," CErc 23 (1993): 5–10
J. Hammerstaedt, "Pausone, Aristofane e Archiloco nel quarto libro Περὶ ποιημάτων di Filodemo," CErc 27 (1997): 105–120
- Aristippus
A. Angeli, "Aristippo nella Retorica di Filodemo (PHerc. 1004, col. XLI)," P.Lup. 1 (1992): 203–210
- Aristophanes
see Hammerstaedt under Archilochus
M. Gigante, G. Indelli, "Bione e l'epicureismo," CErc 8 (1978): 124–131
M. Gigante, Cinismo e epicureismo (Naples, 1992): 106–113
- Bromius
F. Longo, A. Tepedino, "Aspetti e problemi della dissidenza epicurea," CErc 11 (1981): 39–40
S. Ciampa, "I poeti ellenistici nei papiri ercolanesi di Filodemo," CErc 36 (2006): 93–96
- Callistratus
M. Ferrario, "L'oratore Callistrato nella Retorica di Filodemo," Atti del XVII Congresso internazionale di papirologia (Naples, 1984): ii.485–503
- Choerilus of Iasus
S. Ciampa, "I poeti ellenistici nei papiri ercolanesi di Filodemo," CErc 36 (2006): 100–2
- Cynic Authors
M. Gigante, Cinismo e epicureismo (Naples, 1992)
F. Longo Auricchio, "A proposito di una citazione di Demetrio Falereo in Filodemo," CErc 36 (2006): 65–71
- Derveni Papyrus
D. Obbink, "A Quotation of the Derveni Papyrus in Philodemus' On Piety," CErc 24 (1994): 111–135
- Diogenes the Cynic
R. Giannattasio Andria, "Diogene cinico nei papiri ercolanesi," CErc 10 (1980): 129–151
see also Delattre under Speusippus
E. Puglia, "Demetrio Lacone e Empedocle," Atti del XVII Congresso internazionale di papirologia (Naples, 1984): i.437–446
O. Primavesi, "Die Häuser von Zeus und Hades: zu Text und Deutung von Empedokles B 142 D.-K.," CErc 33 (2003): 53–68
- Eudoxus
L. Spina, "Eudosso e i "Ciziceni" nei papiri ercolanesi," CErc 1 (1971): 69–72
- Euphorion of Chalcis
S. Ciampa, "I poeti ellenistici nei papiri ercolanesi di Filodemo," CErc 36 (2006): 96–99
- Euripides
A. Antoni, "Deux citations d'Euripide dans le PHerc. 1384: vers une nouvelle identification de ce livre de Philodème?," CErc 34 (2004): 29–38
F. Lasserre, "Hermodore de Syracuse dans PHerc. 1021 et 164?," CErc 13 (1983): 63–74
- Hippocrates
A. Roselli, "Citazioni ippocratiche in Demetrio Lacone (PHerc. 1012)," CErc 18 (1988): 53–57
- Homer
T. Dorandi, "L'Omero di Filodemo," CErc 8 (1978): 38–51
D. De Sanctis, "Omero e la sua esegesi nel De bono rege di Filodemo," CErc 36 (2006): 47–64
G. Massimilla, "Poeti lirici nei papiri ercolanesi di Filodemo," Proceedings of the XIXth International Congress of Papyrology (Cairo, 1992): 251–259
- Isocrates
G. Indelli, "Testimonianze su Isocrate nel PHerc. 1007 (Filodemo, Retorica IV)," CErc 23 (1993): 87–91
T. Di Matteo, "Isocrate nella Retorica di Filodemo," CErc 27 (1997): 121–136
L. Spina, "Una testimonianza 'tendenziosa' sull'oratore Licurgo nella Retorica di Filodemo," Atti del XVII Congresso internazionale di papirologia (Naples, 1984): ii.505–511
F. Longo Auricchio, "I filosofi megarici nella Retorica di Filodemo," CErc 5 (1975): 77–80
F. Longo Auricchio, "I Megarici nei papiri ercolanesi," CErc 15 (1985): 187–189
- Melanippides of Rhodes
G. Massimilla, "Poeti lirici nei papiri ercolanesi di Filodemo," Proceedings of the XIXth International Congress of Papyrology (Cairo, 1992): 257–259
- Menander
A. de Franciscis, "Il Menandro di Ercolano," CErc 1 (1971): 113–115
A. D'Angelo, "Menandro e Filodemo," CErc 27 (1997): 137–146
- Mythographic Writers
See Philodemus, On Piety 2
H.J. Mette, "Neoptolemos von Parion," RhM 123 (1980): 1–24
G. Indelli, "Testimonianze su Pericle nei papiri di Filodemo," CErc 32 (2002): 233–238
- Peripatetic Authors
M. Gigante, Kepos et peripatos: contributo alla storia dell'aristotelismo antico (Naples, 1999)
- Philoxenus of Cythera
G. Massimilla, "Poeti lirici nei papiri ercolanesi di Filodemo," Proceedings of the XIXth International Congress of Papyrology (Cairo, 1992): 250–253
- Photion
M. Ferrario, "Focione nella Retorica di Filodemo," CErc 13 (1983): 105–111
- Pindar
G. Massimilla, "Poeti lirici nei papiri ercolanesi di Filodemo," Proceedings of the XIXth International Congress of Papyrology (Cairo, 1992): 249–59
- Plato
G. Indelli, "Platone in Filodemo," CErc 16 (1986): 109–112
F. Longo Auricchio, "Echi del Gorgia nella Retorica di Filodemo," CErc 25 (1995): 191–196
- Presocratics
A. Henrichs, "Two Doxographical Notes: Democritus and Prodicus on Religion," HSCP 79 (1975): 93–123.
G. Massimilla, "Poeti lirici nei papiri ercolanesi di Filodemo," Proceedings of the XIXth International Congress of Papyrology (Cairo, 1992): 253–259
- Sceptics
M. Gigante, Scetticismo e epicureismo: per l'avviamento di un discorso storiografico (Naples, 1981)
- Simmias of Rhodes
S. Ciampa, "I poeti ellenistici nei papiri ercolanesi di Filodemo," CErc 36 (2006): 99
- Simonides
G. Massimilla, "Poeti lirici nei papiri ercolanesi di Filodemo," Proceedings of the XIXth International Congress of Papyrology (Cairo, 1992): 252–259
- Socrates and Socratics
G. Giannantoni, " I socratici minori nei papiri ercolanesi," Atti del XVII Congresso internazionale di papirologia (Naples, 1984): ii.513–524
E. Acosta Méndez, A. Angeli, Filodemo. Testimonianze su Socrate. La Scuola di Epicuro 13 (Naples, 1992), with Ital. trans.
- Sophocles
G. Auriello, "Sofocle nei Papiri Ercolanesi," CErc 28 (1998): 151–161
- Sophron
C. Romeo, "Sofrone nei papiri ercolanesi," Proceedings of the XVIth International Congress of Papyrology (Columbia, 1981): 183–190
- Speusippus
D. Delattre, "Speusippe, Diogène de Babylone et Philodème," CErc 23 (1993): 67–86
- Stesichorus
G. Massimilla, "Poeti lirici nei papiri ercolanesi di Filodemo," Proceedings of the XIXth International Congress of Papyrology (Cairo, 1992): 250–59
- Stoic Writers
L. Marrone, "Testi stoici ercolanesi," CErc 17 (1987): 181–184
A. Henrichs, "Die Kritik der stoischen Theologie im PHerc. 1428," CErc 4 (1974): 5–32
See also Chrysippus under LOGIC AND SCIENCE
G. Massimilla, "Poeti lirici nei papiri ercolanesi di Filodemo," Proceedings of the XIXth International Congress of Papyrology (Cairo, 1992): 255–259
- Terpander
G. Massimilla, "Poeti lirici nei papiri ercolanesi di Filodemo," Proceedings of the XIXth International Congress of Papyrology (Cairo, 1992): 250–1
- Thaletas
G. Massimilla, "Poeti lirici nei papiri ercolanesi di Filodemo," Proceedings of the XIXth International Congress of Papyrology (Cairo, 1992): 251–259
- Theophrastus
E. Kondo, "I Caratteri di Teofrasto nei papiri ercolanesi," CErc 1 (1971): 73–87
A. Ievolo, "Testimonianze biografiche e motivi dossografici di Teofrasto nei papiri ercolanesi," CErc 3 (1973): 93–96
- Timocreon
G. Massimilla, "Poeti lirici nei papiri ercolanesi di Filodemo," Proceedings of the XIXth International Congress of Papyrology (Cairo, 1992): 254–259
- Timotheus of Miletus
G. Massimilla, "Poeti lirici nei papiri ercolanesi di Filodemo," Proceedings of the XIXth International Congress of Papyrology (Cairo, 1992): 251–259
E. Puglia, "Senarco di Seleucia nella Storia dell'Accademia di Filodemo (PHerc. 1021 XXXV 2–18)," P.Lup. 7 (1998): 143–151
- Xenophon
C. Jensen, Philodemi περὶ οἰκονομίας qui dicitur libellus (Leipzig, 1907): XXV–XXX
M. Marcovich, "Catullus 13 and Philodemus 23," QUCC 40 (1982): 131–8; see M. Gigante, "Catullo e Filodemo," CErc 17 (1987): 108 (= M. Giganta, Atakta (Naples, 1993): 167).
M. Gigante, Orazio: l'effimero diventa eterno (Venosa, 1994)
Latin Prose
F. Costabile, "Opere di oratoria politica e giudiziaria nella biblioteca della Villa dei Papiri: I PHerc. Latini 1067 e 1475," Atti del XVII Congresso internazionale di papirologia (Naples, 1984): ii. 591–606 with plate
M. Gigante, "Conobbe Seneca l'opera di Filodemo?," CErc 29 (1999): 5–15
M. Gigante, Virgilio e gli Augustei (Naples, 1990)
M. Gigante, "Virgilio all'ombra del Vesuvio," CErc 31 (2001): 5–26
G. Indelli, "Filodemo e Virgilio sull'ira," CErc 31 (2001): 31–35
D. Armstrong, J. Fish, P.A. Johnston, M.B. Skinner (edd.), Vergil, Philodemus, and the Augustans (Austin, 2004)
D. Delattre, "Le retour du Papyrus d'Herculanum de Paris 2 à l'Institut de France: un rouleau épicurien inédit en 279 fragments," CRAI (2004) fasc. III: 1351–91
Catalogo dei papiri ercolanesi, sotto la direzione di M. Gigante (Naples, 1979)
M. Capasso, “Primo supplemento al Catalogo dei Papiri Ercolanesi,” CErc 19 (1989): 193–264
G. Del Mastro, “Secondo supplemento al Catalogo dei Papiri Ercolanesi,” CErc 30 (2000): 157–242
T. Dorandi, “Supplemento ai supplementi al Catalogo dei Papiri Ercolanesi”, ZPE 135 (2001): 45–9
L. Amarante, G. Auriello, and R. Pappalardo, Indici dei papiri ercolanesi in ‘Cronache Ercolanesi’ 1971–1995, Terzo Supplemento a CErc (Naples, 1995)
I. Gallo, Greek and Latin Papyrology, trans. M. R. Falivene and J. R. March, Institute of Classical Studies, University of London, Classical Handbook 1 (London, 1986), chapter 4 “The Herculaneum Papyri,”: 36–45